Tim Overstreet, President
Crystal Overstreet, Chief Operating Officer

Tim Overstreet, President of The Schou Foundation LLC

I just turned 18 when I met John. It was during a quest to understand more about who I am, as I was leaving behind high school life and enlisting in the Air Force. Don’t jump to conclusions; I have a wonderful mother, and an incredible dad who raised me. But I had never met my biological father before, and at 18 my curiosity led me to where this particular journey begins.

I am John Schou’s biological son. And as President of The Schou Foundation LLC, I set the estate management strategy, authenticate the artwork, and oversee all archiving efforts.

I am so honored to be fulfilling his wish: to share this mastery of color and enable the world to know this great American artist.

Learn more about Tim on LinkedIn

Glimpse At Tim’s Past

I served as an Avionics Technician in the US Air Force for nearly 10 years, much of which was in Oahu, Hawaii. I worked on heavy cargo planes in the Air Mobility Command, had two energetic young children, and participated in physical competitions, like the Tin Man Triathlon and Honolulu Century Ride. When the time came to renew my service, I decided to reenter civilian life and explore a further education at the University of Oregon, earning a BS in Marketing.

My first wife and I split shortly after moving back to Oregon, and I raised my boys as a single father, working as a Network Administrator.

John had multiple health issues and eventually needed a triple bypass in 2009. It became clear after staying with him for a few days while he recovered, that he needed more support than I could provide 9 hours away. So, my new bride and I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to establish careers and to be closer to John. We spent 6.5 years in Silicon Valley, working high-tech careers and spending weekends visiting John or traveling back to Oregon to visit the rest of the family.

John was a passionate pool player, and I had the privilege of playing for several seasons on his team in the San Francisco Bar Pool League. He was a marvel to watch, and he loved sharing tips on how to win the match. In addition, he was an enthusiast for all sports, particularly football and baseball.

As John got sicker and was battling cancers, we helped him see more family, see friends and even attend a 50 year High School Reunion where he showed some artwork. Early 2019, his mental health started declining and he was unable to live independently. We eventually helped move him into a care center that could look after him full-time.

John had a big heart. He was rough around the edges, but at the core, he emitted an appreciation for people and conversation. As with most artists, he experienced intense highs and lows, and I’m proud of the memories and lessons we had together over 35+ years.

My wife and I are both semi-retired now and dedicate our time to archiving and representing John’s incredible collection through The Schou Foundation efforts.

Crystal Overstreet, Chief Operating Officer of The Schou Foundation LLC

Tim and I have a wonderful love story similar to the TV show ‘The Office’. We were great friends before deciding to give dating a try. I met John in 2008, and have been smitten with his artwork ever since. Since we relocated near him, we spent a lot of time together. I learned so much about pool from both John and Tim, playing for the same team on the San Francisco Bar Pool League.

While my story is not the focus here, I will offer a few tidbits of my life prior to meeting Tim and John. In my youth, my family adopted a horse from a wild herd, which formed a unique foundation for my future perseverance. I played volleyball for the better part of 18 years, and was an avid writer, eventually earning Editor in Chief of my high school newspaper. I have an AS in Graphic Design, I worked in marketing roles primarily until we moved to Silicon Valley.

While living in the Bay Area, I built a prolific career at a Fortune 500 global technology services company, climbing the ladder and earning industry accolades. They sent me all around the world, and I am forever grateful for the people I met and the experiences I was able to have while working there. I decided to take a break from corporate life after 12 years to recenter. I now am focused on growing the Foundation and helping to achieve the mission.

As the Chief Operating Officer at the Schou Foundation, I am responsible for business operations including the ecommerce and online presence, and treasury function.

Learn more about Crystal on LinkedIn